… including tablecloths, place mats, and napkins
If you love decorating, you probably have quite the collection of tablecloths, placemats, and napkins. Here is how to organize your dining table linens so that they aren’t a jumbled mess, are beautifully organized, and are super easy to access. And, did you know, you can also organize your spaces according to your organizing style? You can find out what your organizing style is here.
Before organizing your dining table linens, you must purge the ones that are damaged beyond repair and the ones you no longer use. Be ruthless and purge the excess so you can more easily store what you do need and use.
In my freebie library here, I include guides which help walk you through the organizing process and help you decide what to purge and keep. I also include my declutter and organizing challenge calendars and guides to help direct you through each area of your home. These guides ensure you get through every nook and cranny and finally get to the other side of clutter … an organized and functional space!
In this post, we focus on how to organize dining table linens. Below, I share ideas on how to organize your dining table linens with different types of organizing solutions that will work for your organizing styles and spaces. (I also share how to organize kitchen towels and rags, bath towels, hand towels, fingertip towels, and washcloths, and bedding.)
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How & Where to Store Your Dining Table Linens
How you store your dining table linens will depend on the material of each. Where you store them depends on the quantity you have, how frequently you access them, and the configuration of your spaces. You might have a drawer in your kitchen, a small shelf available in a coat closet, a china cabinet, or a whole walk-in pantry. Here are some organizing solutions and ideas that might work for you!
Hidden Storage
For tucking your dining table linens in a linen closet, coat closet, storage closet, or under the bed, here are some organizing solutions that might work for you. (I also shared about how to use a hanging sweater organizer for linens here.)
While some placemats can easily be folded up or rolled, a lot must be stored flat. So, utilizing somethings like this is ideal (found here):
You can store your table cloths, placemats, and napkins in sets in something like this (found here) (bonus: the window helps you see everything at a glance):
To micro-organize your napkins and napkin rings, you can utilize something like this (found here) (bonus: you can nest it within one of the storage solutions above):
Compact & Protective Storage
You may need to fold your tablecloths, placemats, and napkins more compactly for smaller spaces. Or, you might need protection from dust for more exposed storage or long term storage. Here are some organizing solutions that might work for you.
For visible storage which is also protected, you can use a container like this with an attached lid (found here):
This size can be great for both placemats, napkins, and napkin rings (found here):
Bonus: the two containers above stack and next perfectly on top of each other to help maximize space.
Open Storage
For super easy accessibility for those who change out their decor quite often, here are some organizing solutions that might work for you.
For tablecloths, you might already have pant hangers that you can utilize in your coat closets or your pantry shelves if they are made of wire shelving. You can even find hangers made specifically for cloth like these drapery hangers (found here):
For your fabric placemats and napkinds, you can use something like this (found here):
For placemats that can’t be folded, you can use an under shelf basket which can also contain your napkins whether folded or rolled (found here):
For placemats made of firm materials, you can store them vertically in something like this (found here):
I hope you found some ideas for how to organize your dining table linens for your organizing style and/or the space that you have! In my next post, I share how to organize bath towels, hand towels, fingertip towels, and washcloths. Don’t forget to grab my free resources from my freebie library here. Let’s get to the other side of clutter … an organized and functional space!
Happy Organizing!

Author of “How to Organize Any Space in 7 Simplified Steps“