If your hats are in a jumble or they are just hard to find in your closets and dressers, you are in the right place! Here are the best ways to organize and store your hats, from ball caps to boleros, to prevent damage and make them super easily accessible. And, did you know, you can also organize your spaces according to your organizing style? You can find out what your organizing style is here.
Before organizing your hats, you must purge the ones that you do not like and no longer use. Be ruthless and purge the excess so you can more easily store what you do need and use.
In my freebie library here, I include guides which help walk you through the organizing process and help you decide what to purge and keep. I also include my declutter and organizing challenge calendars and guides to help direct you through each area of your home. These guides ensure you get through every nook and cranny and finally get to the other side of clutter … an organized and functional space!
In this post, we focus on how to organize your hats. Below, I share ideas on how to organize your hats with different types of organizing solutions that will work for your organizing styles and spaces. I also share how to organize the rest of your accessories including scarves, belts and ties, and jewelry.
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Hat Organization
Before you start organizing your hats, I highly suggest editing your collection. You don’t want to purchase a bunch of organizing solutions to contain hats you’re not going to wear. Here is how to properly organize what you do wear.
Popular Hat Organizing Solution
One of the most popular hat organizing solutions now is to hang caps by clips. There is a closet hanger available with clips already attached. A more versatile version is this organizer below which can be fastened to a hanger you already have or a rod (found here):
You can recreate this same organizing technique by using drapery clips, which come in almost any color or finish, so you can coordinate with your closet/bedroom (found here):
Then, you just need to thread them through a curtain rod or tension rod like this (found here):
A similar version of this style organizer is also available for snapbacks. Here is a wall rack version which allows you to clasp each snapback onto the rack (found here):
And, here is an over-the-door version which also allows you to clasp each snapback into the rack (found here):
Over-the-Door Organizers
Since you are likely grabbing your caps on the way out, it makes perfect sense to organize and contain your hats on the back of a door. Almost any hook rack will work to make your hats quick and easy to access, but here are some hat organizers for different types of hats which also help maxmize storage.
For ball caps, the same clip method as the popular organizers above applies to this over the door organizer (found here):
This style organizer is great for every style hat from beanies to berets to boleros as they can be stored over the loops or nested in between (found here):
Here is a more sleek hat rack which can blend in with most decor (found here):
Wall Organizing Solutions
Besides utilizing doors to contain your hats for easy access upon leaving and returning home, you can utilize wall organizing solutions in your bedroom or near your entryway. Since these options are more out in the open, I suggest selecting decorative hooks and racks the coordinate with your decor.
Hooks are great for organize, in general, especially in an entryway. Pretty ones like this are great for catching your hats and coats (found here):
For wall storage in your closet or bedroom, organizers like these make displaying your hats super special (found here):
Here is another great entryway organizing solution in rack form which is perfect for hats and coats as well (found here):
Closet Organizing Solutions
If you prefer your hat storage to be tucked away, here are some hat organizing solutions.
This style hat organizer uses the same clip style as the popular hat organizer above except this organizer can hang from your closet rod (found here):
Hanging shoe organizers can be used in so many different ways around your home which I share here. This hanging organizer has dust covers to keep hats clean and protected between uses (found here):
Hanging sweater organizer can also be used for so many different purposes which I share here. This larger hanging organizer is great for large brimmed hats (found here):
Unconventional Organizing Solutions
If you are a collector, you will probably like having retail-store style organizing solutions so you can “shop” your home.
Here is a tabletop hat organizing solution, like you would find in a retail store, which can display your favorites on your desk or side table (found here):
Here is a great organizing solution which can contain your large collection of hats in a corner in your bedroom or entryway (found here):
Organizing Solutions for Display
If you want to display your most prized hats, here are some organizing solutions that help to properly display your favorites.
This style organizer allows your hats to shine as the hanger is almost invisible once installed. You simply nail or screw the hanger into the wall, and you hat is hung from the button and hooked into the sides (found here):
If you don’t want to fold your caps, you can help keep the integrity of their shape intact with this style ball cap hanger (found here):
This table top hat stand works for any style hat and is great for letting your prettiest hats become part of your decor (found here):
This hat organizer below is very similar to the popular shoe box storage I shared in my sneaker organization post here. So, if you want to keep the same cohesive look, this organizer is perfect for you (found here):
For you high-end hats or autographed memorabilia, a display box like this is perfect (found here):
Long Term Hat Storage
If you wear certain hats seasonally, here are some long term organizing solutions.
If you don’t have storage space to stow away out-of-season items, the original hat box, especially a decorative hat box, is great to leave out as decor and also utilize as a tabletop (found here):
There are storage bags which are the perfect size for ball caps that you need to store out-of-season (found here):
Larger hats can be stored in a collapsible bin like this one below. When it is hat season and you are wearing your hats regularly (and storing them on one of the organizing solutions above), this organizer can be collapsed to store flat (found here):
I hope you found some ideas for how to organize your hats for your organizing style and/or the space that you have! In my next post, I share how to organize more accessories including jewelry. Don’t forget to grab my free resources from my freebie library here. Let’s get to the other side of clutter … an organized and functional space!
Happy Organizing!

Author of “How to Organize Any Space in 7 Simplified Steps“