Welcome to my studio apartment bohemian bedroom organization and decor tour. I shared a full tour of my 400 square foot southern California studio apartment here. The in-depth video tour of how I organize every nook and cranny of my bedroom can be found here. If you stuggle with keeping your bedroom organized, be sure to grab my free organizing resources here!

My bedroom organization actually starts in my living room where my dresser sits behind my bed. I share my favorite folding techniques here and in my updated video here.

In the top, left drawer I contain my underwear, socks, and camis.

In the drawer just below, I contain my pajamas with my tops on the left and bottoms on the right.

And, in the bottom drawer, I contain my sweaters including my ugly Christmas sweater which I have had for several years which my daughter and our friends will borrow because it typically wins ugly Christmas sweater contests. Just behind, I store some Christmas slippers to coordinate appropriately, of course!

In the top, middle drawer I contain my bras along with some clothing accessories including fashion tape, a lint brush, an old toothbrush to clean the lint brush, and safety pins.
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In the drawer just below, I contain my workout clothes with a hooded jacket in the back, two shirts, two tank tops, and four sets of leggings with my thicker ones in the back for colder days, and three regular ones in the middle, and some biker shorts in the front.

In the bottom drawer, I contain a hat and some scarves. My black scarf should be in here but I think my daughter has it!

The three drawers to the right contain items I will share in my living room organization tour.

Moving on to my nightstand, I have an essential oil diffuser on top and my oils stored in the drawer below. I also keep the current book I might be reading on top along with a coaster and this tray I made in this post here.

Within the drawer, I store a book light, a face massager, and eyeglass cleaner on the left side. Above that, I store my foundation. Next to that, I have three backup mascaras. I know it’s a lot but that’s what happens when you get mascara from Costco! Next to those, I have a pair of hideous glasses which help to cancel blue light which you wear a few hours before bed so you can sleep better at night. I am actually sleeping much better so I don’t think I will need these anymore … thank God. In the organizer below the mascara, I keep my makeup sponges, a mascara wand replacement cushion, and some special occasion makeup … well, special occasion to me because I don’t wear these everyday … like a powder concealer, a translucent powder, a highlighter, and a red lipstick. In the last section I store an eye patch, long story but sometimes I have to wear for eye pain. With the eye patch I store an eyeglass cleaning cloth along with this eyeglass cleaner spray bottle. Below, I use two organizers commonly found at Dollar Tree. In the organizer below and to the left, in one section, I store my phone supplies including ear buds, a charger, and a phone stand. With some of my essential oils, I store some eye drops and lip balm. In the organizer to the right, I store more essential oils.

I share how I set up this closet super inexpensively in my full studio apartment tour here.

The simplest organizing solutions for my bedroom organization are in my shoe and purse organization. Here is a closeup of my simple shoe storage using cube bins. I store each pair of shoes vertically making them all visible from the top and easy to select at a glance.

I do the same with my purses storing them vertically making them easy to see and select at a glance. Next to the bin, I store my briefcase and the current purse I am using. I share how I organize four different types of purses here.

Going back up to the closet rack, I wanted to show you how I store empty hangers. I have always stored empty hangers at the end of my closet. It makes it easy to grab them all at once on laundry day.

Because my apartment is so tiny and I have no garage or shed, I needed to utilize the area under my bed for storage. At the end of my bed near my closet, I store my tripod and lighting kit. Underneath the side of the bed where my nightstand is, I have a microwave under the bed! I just placed it there for now until I give it away since I replaced it with the toaster oven I shared in my kitchen organization tour. On the of the bed facing my daughter’s bedroom, I store a handtruck. It’s like a dolly but it is adjustable so it’s super helpful for lugging heavy things from the car to inside the house. Next to the hand truck, I store my tools in a literal box. I store painting supplies, my toolbox, other tools, paint, spackle, and other mediums.

And, the reason why I can fit everything under my bed is because I placed these risers underneath!
I hope you found some helpful tips on how to organize your tiny bedroom in my own tiny bedroom organization tour! If you stuggle with keeping your bedroom organized, be sure to grab my free organizing resources here! In my next post, I share the detailed organization and décor tour of my tiny living room.
Happy Organizing!

Author of “How to Organize Any Space in 7 Simplified Steps“