Recycling bin; paperwork organizing task

There is one paperwork organizing task you must do monthly to control paper clutter and it’s probably not what you expected. Yesterday, we covered three key paperwork organizing tasks you must do weekly here. And, the previous day, we covered six paperwork organizing tasks you must do daily.

You can download my Paperwork Maintenance Routine Chart here and keep it in your inbox to keep your paperwork under control on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis. Be sure to download that chart here, so you are never at a loss for how to keep your paperwork under control.

So, to begin, you will grab your purse and possibly take a look in your desk or kitchen drawers, even your car.

One Monthly Paperwork Organizing Task

Recyle Expired Coupons

coupons with an arrow directing them toward the recycling bin; paperwork organizing task

Recyle expired coupons. Yep! That’s it! So simple but often forgotten! Even those who don’t claim to use coupons still can find a few in random places. Seriously, check your purse or your desk or wherever you have the mail stacked, even your car, and you will probably find at least a few. Some people even find expired coupons from decades ago in the backs of kitchen drawers and cabinets. Taking care of this task monthly will not only prevent you from forgetting to use coupons that can save you major cash, also, you will keep expired coupons from accumulating ever again.

To keep your coupons organized, and to remember to use them, keep them where you will likely use them. The frequent couponer will have their coupons organized in an organizer in their purse or even in a binder. However, if you use coupons only occasionally like me, you can keep oil change coupons in the car, for example. I also like to keep makeup and grocery coupons in a clear poly envelope in my purse. To definitely ensure I do not forget to use a coupon at the store, I will even take it out of the poly envelope and put it in my wallet in the slot where my credit card is. And, there you go, you will remember to use your coupons. Also, you will remember to keep the expired ones from accumulating.

In the next post, I share 3 paperwork organizing tasks you must do annually. Be sure to download your free paperwork maintenance routine chart here so that you have a quick reference for how to stay on top of your paperwork throughout the entire year.

Happy Organizing!