Your complete, personally customized lifetime budget covering all your needs from calculating your fastest debt pay off to ensuring you are on track to be financially secure through to retirement and, more importantly, to build wealth!

You’ve tried everything to get your finances under control or tried nothing because you had no idea where to start.
Either way, you still don’t feel like you fully have control over your finances! You can’t find a budgeting system that works for you. You feel like you can never get on top of the timing of payments and end up being in overdraft. You feel like your debt is never going to be paid off. You feel like the moment you might start to have things under control, your blind-sided by things you still weren’t financially prepared for. It seems impossible that you can ever purchase or pay off your house. You have no idea if you will have enough for retirement or if you will have to work yourself into the grave. Having kids and paying for college tuition look absolutely impossible.
It’s not your fault that getting a full, confident grasp on your finances has been impossible. I know because, even after experiencing almost two decades of working in Accounting with various software systems, I couldn’t find any systems out there that really gathered my finances together in a real, tangible way where you can literally see accurate results …
… until my Lifetime Budgeting System was created!
Imagine what it would feel like to KNOW that your finances are in order from today through to retirement and even further than that. Imagine knowing exactly when your debt would be paid off with the least amount of finance charges possible.
What would it feel like to:
- have all your bills automated and know that your account would never be in overdraft ever again.
- know exactly when you will have enough to make a big purchase like a vehicle or a home.
- have you and your spouse exactly on the same page about where your finances stand because your budget leaves no question.
- accomplish specific goals by specific dates because you see it all clearly calculated for you at a glance with no wonder that your goals can be accomplished.
- know that you will have enough to cover ALL your expenses after retirement.
- know that you are building wealth and giving beyond what you could have even imagined.
Imagine what it would feel like to leave behind a legacy for your children and the generations to come.
I haven’t paid a late fee or finance charges in almost two decades which is when I first created my budgeting system in order to pay off thousands of dollars’ worth of debt as quickly as possible. Over the years, I continued to refine my system to ensure that all bill payments could be automatically deducted and never risk being in overdraft in my account again. I perfected timing payments whether they were deducted monthly, quarterly, or annually. I then refined my system to accurately track and maximize reaching savings goals for an emergency fund, living expense fund, large purchases, and investments. I further refined my system to calculate that all expenses and even additional financial goals like traveling would be covered after retirement. On top of that, instead of losing money on late fees and finance charges with credit cards, I refined my system to track and maximize credit card usage to make money instead.
Throughout my more than two decades of working in accounting for non-profits and for-profit small businesses and using multiple accounting software systems and apps, I never found anything that truly customized and calculated a precise budget that truly put an entire financial plan together into one place. Therefore, I had to create this system myself. With all the resources out there including tips, tricks, and techniques that are all awesome and helpful, not one of them puts it altogether in a system that truly calculates your financial future to the penny.
Your methods work since I’ve used them for so long. I’ve been able to follow your methods for over 6 years. It’s so easy and it totally helped me stay on track with my finances!! Before you introduced me to your system, I was using a calendar and just writing my bills on there but it was never doing the math for me nor tracking my spending, just bills that HAD to be paid lol! So yeah…your methods saved me! I don’t know of a system that calculates everything the way you have!”
Testimony from Fellow Mom-Blogger Nohemi Villa from the Blog
The truth is there is no one size fits all when it comes to budgeting and you must budget for the long term in order to really be in control of your financial future. A month-to-month budget just won’t cut it for calculating if you have enough for retirement. Your budget must calculate your entire financial future, and it must be customized to fit your specific needs. It must be easy to calculate in real time to truly be effective for unexpected expenses and major purchases. You must have customized calculators linked to your customized budget so there is no question that your budget is current and accurate. This is why my Lifetime Budgeting System is different … nothing calculates everything from debt-payoff to goals like this system.
The benefits of having a personally customized budget are that:
- you will be free from the stress of paying bills on time.
- your budget will be fine-tuned to ensure you always have enough to cover your bills when they are due.
- you will be free from the stress of the expense of emergencies like repairs or accidents because you will always have what you need set aside to cover them up front.
- you will be free from the stress of knowing whether or not you will be able to survive between jobs because you will have your funds in place to cover your expenses between major transitions.
- you will be able to accurately plan for and actually make big purchases.
- you will be able to plan for investing in your children’s college funds.
- you will be able to properly plan for investing in retirement and be free from the stress of not knowing if you will be able to retire by a certain age and cover all of your expenses.
- you will have accurately calculated and timed your savings goals.
And, all of this will be easily maintainable in just minutes a day!
I did 95% of the work for you by creating massive templates with tons of calculations so that you simply plug in your numbers and have your entire financial plan calculated for you. In my courses that you complete at your own pace:
- You first provide me with info, no personal numbers needed, so that I customize your budget to the timing of your income payments and bill due dates.
- I show you how to plug in your numbers so that you ensure all your bills are covered accurately and your budget is calculated to never be overdrawn.
- I show you how to maximize reaching savings goals so that you are covered for emergencies and major life changes and transitions.
- I show you how to maximize paying off your debt as quickly as possible including consumer debt, student loans, vehicles, and mortgages.
- I show you how to calculate how much you need to set aside in investments so that you are covered for retirement, pay for your kids’ college, etc.
- I show you how to easily maintain your budget daily, weekly, monthly, and annually in minutes a day.
- I show you how you and your spouse can keep your budget up-to-date and at your fingertips so that there is no question, when you are apart, if even the smallest purchase can fit into your budget.
Here is the course & lesson outline:
- HOW TO FILL OUT THE INFO TEMPLATE – I provide you with a template to complete so that I can create your personally customized lifetime budget.
- HOW TO ENTER YOUR PERSONAL NUMBERS – I show you how to enter your personal numbers into your personally customized budget so you can begin to use it as soon as possible.
- HOW TO AUTOMATE YOUR BILL PAYMENTS – I will already customize your budget in a way that allows you to simply setup autopay for all your bills so that they are always paid on time and you are never overdrawn in your account.
- HOW TO KNOW HOW MUCH TO BUDGET FOR REQUIRED EXPENSES – I show you how to reduce expenses required for living and how to properly track these expenses so that you always stay within budget.
- HOW TO KNOW HOW MUCH TO SAVE – I help you determine how much your emergency fund should be as well as your living expense fund; and I show you how to establish these savings goals as quickly as possible.
- HOW TO PAY OFF CONSUMER AND STUDENT LOAN DEBT – I show you which debt payment method works best for you in order to pay the least amount in finance charges and also pay your debt as quickly as possible. On top of that, I also show you how to maximize your budget to utilize every spare penny to pay off your debt even more quickly.
- HOW TO USE CREDIT CARDS TO MAKE MONEY – I show you how to properly track your credit card charges so that you never go over your limit while simultaneously staying within budget so that you can always pay your balance in full and, therefore, earn money and rewards.
- HOW TO UPDATE YOUR BUDGET IN MINUTES A DAY – I show you how easy it is to stay on top of your budget in just a few minutes a day so that it is always reconciled and always accurate.
- HOW TO COMPLETE ESSENTIAL BUDGETING TASKS – I show how to update your budget on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis in order to properly stay on top of your financial goals.
- HOW TO PROPERLY TRACK YOUR INCOME THROUGH LIFE TRANSITIONS – I show you how to properly track your income over your lifetime and ensure you are always able to cover all your expenses.
- HOW TO ADJUST YOUR EXPENSES OVER YOUR LIFETIME – I show you how to adjust your expenses over your lifetime including life transitions regarding income changes, having children, making large purchases, downsizing, etc.
- HOW TO MAKE SURE YOU ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH TO PAY TAXES – I show you how to calculate what your taxes should be if you are self-employed; I also show you how to update your tax bracket each year whether you work for an employer or are self-employed.
- HOW TO KNOW HOW MUCH TO INVEST IN YOUR RETIREMENT – I show you how much you should invest to cover all your expenses and when you can retire.
- HOW TO TRACK YOUR OTHER INVESTMENTS – I show you how to track your investments so you can track their growth and determine when you can utilize them.
- HOW TO ACHIEVE FINANCIAL GOALS – I show you how to maximize your budget to achieve financial goals like paying for your children’s college tuition or retiring your parents, etc.
- HOW TO PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE AND AUTO LOAN DEBTS – I show you how to pay these debts as quickly as possible; however, I highly advise investing first which I share how to do as noted above.
- HOW TO STAY ON TOP OF YOUR GIVING GOALS – I show you how to calculate giving into your budget and how to accomplish your giving goals.
- HOW TO UPDATE YOUR BUDGET WITH YOUR PARTNER – I show you how to update your budget with your PARTNER so that you are always on the same page about what is available to spend and where you are with your financial goals.
Managing your finances is SO ESSENTIAL to life. It must be done for the REST OF YOUR LIFE and no other system shows you how to do that precisely like Terry Elisabeth’s Lifetime Budgeting System.
Simply click here (only available until spots are filled) and you will be on your way to have your once-and-for-all budget finally set up for you!
Because this is my introductory-all-inclusive package, this is the lowest price I can offer. And, I can’t offer it for long! You must sign up now as I only have limited spots available for me to customize your budget for you. Hurry before spots fill up!
Q: How long do the courses take to complete?
A: You tackle the courses at your own pace. You can learn it all in a day or take up to 6 weeks to master all the courses. In no time, you will have mastered staying on top of your budget, it will literally take you minutes a day to maintain!
Q: I’m so busy as it is. I’m questioning if I will have time to learn a new system?
A: The truth is Terry Elisabeth’s Lifetime Budgeting System is a time-saver. Many spend copious amounts of time tediously updating a budget that doesn’t allow you to see your financial future and calculate your entire financial plan anyway. Even if it takes 8 weeks to learn a new way to budget, you will be set to maintain it in minutes a day for life thereafter!
Q: Are there additional membership fees?
A: NO! That’s the difference with Terry Elisabeth’s Lifetime Budgeting System. Once your budget is customized for you, you’re set for life. You simply learn how to maintain it and update it with life’s changes. You are TRULY set with your financial plan for LIFE!
Q: Do I need to download any software or apps?
A: Yes AND no. It is likely you already have programs included in your computer, tablet, and smart phone that we will use to calculate your automated, perpetual budget for you! If not, it is still guaranteed that you will be able to easily update and access your budget on any device with internet-access.
Q: How do I get my partner on board to use this system?
A: The beauty of Terry Elisabeth’s Lifetime Budgeting System is that only one of you needs to manage your budget (it’s super beneficial if you both LEARN how to and one is responsible to stay on top of it) and it is easily shared on your devices. That way, if your partner is out and wants to make a purchase, they simply pull up the budget and see if it fits!
Q: I’m already in debt, how can I afford this system?
A: This classic proverb says it all, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Determination will overcome any obstacle. Let’s get creative. Create meals from your pantry, sell items around your house that you aren’t using, work some extra shifts. It costs thousands more in finance charges to not accurately calculate which debts to pay first and when. And, you lose out on hundreds, thousands, even millions when you don’t maximize your budget and invest. We must manage our finances for the rest of our lives. Doing it correctly from the beginning will save you thousands in the long run.
Click here (only available until spots are filled) to finally achieve financial freedom!