If your dressers and closets are overflowing or jumbled, you’re likely wasting so much time looking for things and also damaging your clothes as they are being jammed and snagged in your closets and dressers. So, we continue my series on clothing organization. I covered pants organization in my previous post. Here I continue with the best ways to properly organize and store your jeans to make your favorite pairs easy to find and maximize space. And, did you know, you can also organize your spaces according to your organizing style? You can find out what your organizing style is here.
Before organizing your jeans, you must purge the ones that you do not like and no longer use. Be ruthless and purge the excess so you can more easily store what you do need and use.
In my freebie library here, I include guides which help walk you through the organizing process and help you decide what to purge and keep. I also include my declutter and organizing challenge calendars and guides to help direct you through each area of your home. These guides ensure you get through every nook and cranny and finally get to the other side of clutter … an organized and functional space!
In this post, we focus on how to organize your jeans. Below, I share ideas on how to organize your jeans with different types of organizing solutions that will work for your organizing styles and spaces. I also share how to organize the rest of your bottoms including skirts, shorts, leggings, and pants.
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Jeans Organization
Before you start organizing your jeans, I highly suggest editing your collection. You don’t want to purchase a bunch of organizing solutions to contain jeans you’re not even going to wear. I share my clothing quantities to keep guidelines in my freebie library here. My guide helps you to determine how many of each clothing item to keep based on your lifestyle and how often you are able to do laundry. I also share tips for how to keep your closets from overflowing, yet always have something to wear, here.
Hanger Options for Jeans
How you hang your jeans depends on how you like to select your jeans. For example, if you like to select what jeans you are going to wear based on the style of the back pocket, you will want to hang your jeans in such a way that you are able to see the back pockets. If you want to select your jeans based on whether or not they are ripped or have any kind of embellishments, you will want to hang your jeans in such a way that these features are visible.
Pant hangers with double-clasps can be used in a number of ways to hang your jeans according to your preference. And, there are so many different styles of pant hangers made of different materials. For jeans, I suggest using a metal double-clasp pant hanger as they can handle the weight and thickness of jeans better than plastic. To hang your jeans with your preferred feature to be made visible, you can hang them in these manners to keep your closet looking neat and tidy:
- To feature the back pocket:
- hang your jeans fully opened and clasped at the top with your back pockets visible from the direction you open your closet or walk in to your closet.
- fold your jeans in half with the back pockets on the outside and clasp them into the hanger with the crotch portion facing the rear of your closet.
- To feature rips and other embellishments:
- hang your jeans fully opened and clasped at the top with the front of your jeans visible from the direction you open your closet or walk in to your closet.
- fold your jeans in half with the front of your jeans on the outside and clasp them into the hanger with the crotch portion facing the rear of your closet.
Each style of your jeans will then be visible and easy to select when stored on this style hanger (found here):
You can also utilize a space-saving option like this one below which allows you to hang five pairs of heans in the space of one hanger. You will simply allow the feature of the jeans (that you use to help determine if you want to wear them) to be visible where they are each hung on each bar of the hanger (found here):
A very non-traditional hanger option I found is this leather and clasp combo below which allows you to hang your jeans from a belt loop. Unconventional, I know, but it might be just what your husband needs to keep his jeans off the floor (found here):
If the leather and clasp option above intrigues you, a more user-friendly option of the same concept is to utilize s-hooks on your closet rod instead. This allows you to easily hook and un-hook jeans onto the hook withouth having to clasp and unclasp the hook (found here) (I share more tips on how to use s-hooks around your home here):
Another unconventional storage option is to use a hanging bin like this to toss folded or unfolded jeans into (found here) (just label it “jeans” and even the most disorganized person has no excuse but to set their jeans in there and always make them easy to find):
Organizing Solutions for Folded Jeans
If you prefer to fold your jeans, there are ways to fold and store them to make them easy to find by the determining feature on each and where you like to store them. I share clothes folding techniques here and an update video below. You will simply want to first fold your jeans in half with the portion of the jeans, that helps you determine how you select them for your outfit, facing out (i.e. back pocket or rips). Then, you will resume folding your jeans in such a manner that they are able to be filed or piled depending on where you store them.
If you store your jeans in drawers or in bins, you will want to file them with the pocket or rips visible from the top to make them quick and easy to select from. You can face your jeans parralel or perpendicular to the front of the bin in whichever manner works best for your jeans. Bins like these can be set on a lower closet shelf (found here):
You can store your jeans on a closet shelf between these closet shelf dividers below (I share multiple ways you can use closet shelf dividers around your home here). You will simple pile them with the back pockets or rips visible from the front of the pile (found here):
Space-Saving Organizing Solutions
To maximize space in smaller closets, you can add a shelf to your closet shelf and maximize space above that top closet shelf (found here):
To add shelves to modular closet organizing systems, you can add a tension rod shelf to create another shelf to organize your jeans (found here):
I hope you found some ideas for how to organize your jeans for your organizing style and/or the space that you have! In my next post, I share how to organize sneakers. Don’t forget to grab my free resources from my freebie library here. Let’s get to the other side of clutter … an organized and functional space!
Happy Organizing!
Author of “How to Organize Any Space in 7 Simplified Steps“