If your closets are overflowing or jumbled, you’re likely wasting so much time looking for things and also damaging your clothes as they are being jammed and snagged in your closets. So, we continue my series on clothing organization. I covered swimwear organization in my previous post. Here I continue with how to properly organize your dresses, including your everyday dresses to the fanciest of dresses (even your wedding dress!) And, did you know, you can also organize your spaces according to your organizing style? You can find out what your organizing style is here.
Before organizing your dresses, you must purge the dresses that you do not like and no longer use. Be ruthless and purge the excess so you can more easily store what you do need and use.
In my freebie library here, I include guides which help walk you through the organizing process and help you decide what to purge and keep. I also include my declutter and organizing challenge calendars and guides to help direct you through each area of your home. These guides ensure you get through every nook and cranny and finally get to the other side of clutter … an organized and functional space!
In this post, we focus on how to organize your dresses. Below, I share ideas on how to organize your dresses with different types of organizing solutions that will work for your organizing styles and spaces.
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Dress Organization
Before you start organizing your dresses, I highly suggest editing your collection. You don’t want to purchase a bunch of organizing solutions to contain dresses you’re not even going to wear. I share my clothing quantities to keep guidelines in my freebie library here. My guide helps you to determine how many of each clothing item to keep based on your lifestyle and how often you are able to do laundry.
The Best Hangers
Proper dress organization starts with the hanger. With dresses being of a heavier weight with much more fabric than a blouse and varying straps and sleeves, non-slip hangers with divets are super helpful. Here is a universal version for all the clothes in your entire closet (found here):
For dresses that might have separate pieces like a top and skirt or a dress with an extra skirt layer, this type of hanger is super helpful (found here):
A space-saving way to store lightweight everyday dresses with spaghetti straps is to use something like this (found here):
What to Do When You Don’t Have Long Hanging Storage
If your closet does not have a section for hanging long dresses, I have a folding technique you can utilize here:
There are also solutions available to install depending on how many dresses you need to store. To store a handful of long dresses, you can install something like this (found here):
For more dresses, you can install something like this (found here):
Formal Dress Storage
For most people, I don’t believe formal dress storage is necessary. Typically, you only where a formal dress one time. So, I suggest renting whenever a formal dress is needed. That said, I do understand that formal dress storage can be necessary for certain lifestyles. So, here is how to store your formal gowns to properly protect them.
If you must travel with your formal dresses, you will need to use individual garment bags so that they are easy to grab and go (found here):
If you need to store a number of gowns that you do not need to contain while traveling, you can install a larger capacity protector like this (found here):
If you need a space-saving solution, there are garment bags that can be vacuum-sealed (found here):
If you don’t want to take up closet rod space, you can contain formal gowns with containers like this in an attic, the top of a closet, or under the bed (found here):
How to Properly Store Your Wedding Gown
Wedding gown storage requires extra special care to keep the white fabric white and also protect it from pests while being stored long term. There are wedding dress garment bags available made of acid-free material to help keep your white wedding dress white (found here):
There are also kits available to properly store your wedding dress in a box which protects your dress while also not taking up closet space (found here):
I hope you found some ideas for how to organize your dresses for your organizing style and/or the space that you have! In my next post, I share how to organize your t-shirts. Don’t forget to grab my free resources from my freebie library here. Let’s get to the other side of clutter … an organized and functional space!
Happy Organizing!

Author of “How to Organize Any Space in 7 Simplified Steps“