If your condiments are a jumbled mess in your refrigerator, there are ways to organize them so that they are easy to find at a glance. Also, you can finally use them up before expiration! And, did you know, you can also organize your spaces according to your organizing style? You can find out what your organizing style is here.
Before organizing your condiments, you must purge the expired ones and the ones you do not like and know you won’t consume. Be ruthless and purge the excess so you can more easily store what you do consume.
In my freebie library here, I include guides which help walk you through the organizing process and help you decide what to purge and keep. I also include my declutter and organizing challenge calendars and guides to help direct you through each area of your home. These guides ensure you get through every nook and cranny and finally get to the other side of clutter … an organized and functional space!
In this post, we focus on how to organize all your condiments in your refrigerator. Below, I share ideas on how to organize and store your condiments with different types of organizing solutions that will work for your organizing styles and spaces. (I share how to organize drinks, produce, snacks, and dairy products in the refrigerator, as well!)
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How to Properly Organize Condiments in Fridge Doors
Because refrigerator doors are shallow in depth, they are perfect for containing tall, narrow bottles like condiments. Trying to store condiments in any other part of the refrigerator only causes them to be shoved to the back of the refrigerator, especially if you don’t have organized systems in place. To make the best use of your refrigerator doors, you will simply store each condiment by size together. The size you sort by can be either the width of the bottle or height or both. It all depends on the depth of your refrigerator door bins. If you are able to place two condiments in a row from front to back, you will want to store taller bottles to the rear and shorter bottles to the front. That way, all your condiments will be easily visible at a glance so you can quickly choose what you need. Also, you won’t have condiments lost and forgotten behind taller bottles.
For my fancy friends, you can decant and contain your condiments in uniform bottles like these (found here). Doing this allows you to easily contain bottles in any order you prefer (i.e. by type or alphabetically) because they are all the same size. Also, you can customize your labels to make them extra fancy.
So, utilizing your refrigerator doors for your condiments is ideal, however, I understand that there are times you must store your condiments within your refrigerator shelves which I cover next.
How to Properly Organize Fridge Shelves
One important thing I want to point out before I share the next possible organizing solution for you is that, if you are needing to utilize the refrigerator shelves to contain condiments that are overflowing from your refrigerator doors, you are probably purchasing and/or storing way too many condiments. This can happen for a few reasons:
- Your refrigerator is disorganized and so you accidentally purchased a duplicate because you couldn’t find the one you already had.
- You don’t regularly clean out your refrigerator and so you have a bunch of condiments that have been sitting in your refrigerator far passed expiration (I have found condiments from the 90’s in people’s refrigerators).
- You are not meal-planning and using up what you already have on hand before you purchase additional condiments.
- If you cook a large variety of food requiring lots of different kinds of condiments, you are probably purchasing larger sizes of condiments than you need instead of a smaller size for what you can reasonably consume before expiration.
If any of these define what is happening in your house, be sure to do a purge and organize your condiments within your refrigerator doors.
In some cases, you might have other items that also make sense to store and organize in your refrigerator doors, so you must use your refrigerator shelves for condiments. Utilizing a lazy susan can be a great solution for you. However, here are some reasons why a lazy susan might not work for your refrigerator:
- Some refrigerators can be rather deep. So, if you use a large lazy susan which is the same depth as your refrigerator shelf, it might be too large for you to access condiments from the middle of the lazy susan.
- If you use a smaller lazy susan in a deep refrigerator, there will be space behind that lazy susan that you probably won’t be able to easily access.
One key thing to understand about organizing is that you don’t have to fill every nook and cranny with stuff. So, if you don’t need the space behind a smaller lazy susan in a deeper refrigerator, then that is just fine! Smaller refrigerators are perfect for turntables. One like this will allow you to give it a spin and quickly find what you need (found here):
However, if you need to maximize space in a deep refrigerator, you can use a few bins to pull out your condiments. You must keep in mind that condiments can be heavy. So, rather than using one large bin to contain all your condiments, which can easily crack or break from the weight, use smaller narrow bins like these (found here) which you can utilize to sort your condiments into specific categories like condiments for sandwiches or pasta, etc.
Don’t forget to label the front of the bins so they stay organized!
I hope you found some ideas for how to organize your condiments in your refrigerator for your organizing style and/or the space that you have! In my next post, I share ideas on how to organize dairy products in your refrigerator. Don’t forget to grab my free resources from my freebie library here. Let’s get to the other side of clutter … an organized and functional space!
Happy Organizing!

Author of “How to Organize Any Space in 7 Simplified Steps“