If your dresser drawers are overflowing or jumbled, you’re likely wasting so much time looking for things and also damaging your clothes as they are being jammed and snagged in your drawers. So, we continue my series on clothing organization. I started with underwear yesterday. Here I continue with how to organize your bras so they are no longer a jumbled mess and getting mishapen in jam-packed drawers. And, did you know, you can also organize your spaces according to your organizing style? You can find out what your organizing style is here.
Before organizing your bras, you must purge the bras that you do not like and no longer use. Be ruthless and purge the excess so you can more easily store what you do need and use.
In my freebie library here, I include guides which help walk you through the organizing process and help you decide what to purge and keep. I also include my declutter and organizing challenge calendars and guides to help direct you through each area of your home. These guides ensure you get through every nook and cranny and finally get to the other side of clutter … an organized and functional space!
In this post, we focus on how to organize your bras. Below, I share ideas on how to organize your bras with different types of organizing solutions that will work for your organizing styles and spaces. I also share how to organize underwear, socks, and camisoles.
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Bra Organization
Folding Techniques for Organizer-Free Drawer Organization
You don’t always have to use drawer organizers to have efficiently organized drawers. For bras, especially, you can get away with not using an organizer depending on your setup. If the rest of your drawer is nicely organized and contained, simply laying out your bras, like I have here, can work just fine. Or, if you have a more narrow drawer, preferably the width or length of your bras, you can simply lay them out there. Here is my own bra drawer organization without organizing products:

Drawer Organizers for Multi-Functional Drawers
Bra containment might be necessary for larger drawers containing multiple categories of items like underwear, socks, and camis. Expandable drawer dividers can help create the divided sections needed (found here):
There are also drawer organizers available which are made specifically for bras which can be very helpful for seeing and accessing your selection of bras for coordinating at a glance (found here):
How to Organize Bras in the Closet
In my first few apartments, I lived just fine without a dresser and contained all my clothing, including my bras, in my closet. I had a closet organizing system that included drawers. For apartments that have the standard closet rod and shelf across the top, you can use a hanging organizer like this (found here):
I’m loving how the hanging organizer above helps to keep bras from getting crushed in a drawer, especially if they are padded or have a thicker lining. For lightly lined bras, something like this can maximize space for you (found here):
If you have wire shelves in your closet, there are actually drawers made for wire shelving! This can work out well if you don’t need hanging space underneath a shelf (i.e. if you store tall boots underneath). You can store all categories of undergarments in one each of these (found here):
Under the Bed Organization
When space is super limited, you can resort to storing items in the area under the bed. An organizer like this one below can also be set on an upper closet shelf or even the floor of your closet (found here):
I hope you found some ideas for how to organize your bras for your organizing style and/or the space that you have! In my next post, I share how to organize your socks. Don’t forget to grab my free resources from my freebie library here. Let’s get to the other side of clutter … an organized and functional space!
Happy Organizing!

Author of “How to Organize Any Space in 7 Simplified Steps“