Your Personal Organizer & Personal Financial Coach
Your Personal Organizer

So, you struggle to organize your spaces, you don’t know where to start, or don’t know how to find the time, or you did organize your spaces but can’t seem to keep them organized!
I get it! Just everyday life can be overwhelming! While you raise your family, work outside your home (and also from home), take the kids to practices and games, take care of the cooking, the cleaning, and the laundry, maintaining the cars, even just finding the time to organize is the last thing on your list of things to do. Or maybe you’re in school and attending classes and studying seem to take all your time. Or maybe the kids have left home and you are overwhelmed deciding what to do with their stuff or even your own stuff as you consider downsizing. Maybe you somehow managed to achieve some organization but it seems impossible to maintain.
I understand! As I have organized small businesses, our church, and assisted others in organizing spaces in their homes, I have learned where others struggle with getting and keeping their spaces organized. Besides the biggest hindrances of finding the time and knowing where to even start, I have also discovered that people were trying to organize their spaces in popularized ways instead of ways that maximized their natural tendencies to look for and put items away. We each have our own personal organizing styles and can actually make the best use of them!
For years, I have lived as a single parent, working full time, volunteering at church, and helping people get organized. On top of this, I experienced health issues including autoimmune issues causing severe fatigue. I had to reduce my workload, in order to rest and heal. Then, I had to let my own, normally organized spaces, become disorganized as I was not able to physically put my things away like I normally would. Even in my illness, I found short increments of time to get my spaces back to being organized. I gained that peace in my surroundings again and that peace in my body! Others continued to ask me to help them organize their homes and businesses while I experienced ups and downs in my health. Since my health was unpredictable, I could never get through explaining the organizing process to them and could never complete assisting them in organizing their spaces. It turned out that the best way I could help was to write the organizing process for them, and so I compiled my book “How to Organize Any Space in 7 Simplified Steps”. Now, YOU can always have my resource at hand.
Even better, you can learn the organizing process according to your personal organizing style and, therefore, become set for life in finally maintaining your spaces!
Because I have simplified the process and explained how to maximize people’s natural tendencies, they found that they could stay on track in getting through each organizing step and have learned to organize more quickly and efficiently. Instead of wasting time looking for things, you too can organize your spaces in as little as 20 minutes a day. I am so glad you have found me here. Are you ready to get your spaces in order and take control of your financial future? Start here for access to Terry Elisabeth’s Freebie Library! Enjoy my resources!
Happy Organizing!
Your Personal Financial Coach

So, you either start to budget, but then, give up because it’s too tedious. Or, you never start because you don’t know where to begin, am I right? Or, why try if there just seems to be no end in sight to paying off debt anyway. Or, maybe you don’t have debt but you’re living paycheck to paycheck so you feel that you’ll never be able to save for a house … much less your retirement! Or, you think you’re doing okay … but you have NO idea if your retirement investments will be enough to cover your expenses after you retire. Or, you are wondering if you can retire early, take vacations, make large purchases in cash, leave an inheritance for your children … how do you calculate these things over your lifetime?
I totally understand! I couldn’t find just the right resource to help me truly stay on top of my finances in a way that truly helped me calculate my financial future the way that I wanted it to … including everything from how to pay off debt the quickest way possible with the least amount of finance charges to ensuring I could retire comfortably and not work myself into the grave without vacations along the way! So, I had to create a customized budgeting system for myself!
Eighteen years ago, after suddenly becoming the sole provider for my family and learning we had thousands in debt, I was determined to never pay late fees and finance charges ever again. I was literally starting from zero, losing my job after I learned about this debt, which, in actuality meant I was starting in the negative thousands. I couldn’t stand the sight of those late fees and finance charges accumulating and was not going to continue to let money be wasted when I could be providing for my daughter. Eventually, I was working in Accounting again and got focused on paying off that debt.
Even while working in Accounting and using multiple accounting programs, I couldn’t find a system that set me up for the best success for the quickest debt payoff with the least amount of finance charges. Out of desperation, I put those calculations together myself. And, I continued to tweak my system over the last eighteen years in order to set me up for success to be able to automate all regular payments and never have an overdraft, save for major financial goals, maximize savings and investments, and build wealth … and I can set you up for success too! I created huge templates with complicated equations to calculate everything from your quickest debt payoff with thousands saved on finance charges to maximizing your retirement. I show you just how easy it is to maintain your budget (which calculates your entire financial future) in minutes a day in my Lifetime Budgeting System where I personally customize budgeting systems for you and your every financial goal! Are you ready to take control of your financial future? Start here for access to Terry Elisabeth’s Freebie Library!
Happy Budgeting!